Jen Lykling

Physical Therapist

Jen Lykling is a Physical therapist, DPT, and soon to serve on ASAPC’s Evaluation Team! She has been a physical therapist for over 20 years practicing in a variety of settings including hospitals, clinics, and home health. Early intervention, working with families and their sweet babies, is her favorite area of physical therapy. 

Jen is awesome at organizing her workday. She starts every day with a delicious cup of coffee! Then powers through a rigorous workout, making sure her kiddos don’t sleep through their alarms! Once at work, Jen looks forward to meeting with families on her caseload either in person at their home or through televisit. “I am most inspired by the amazingness of children. Being able to see a parent’s pure joy when their child hits a milestone or goal is priceless.  I learn so much from the families and children that I work with!”

Like most parents, after work, Jen sometimes feels like an Uber driver, rushing to shuttle her kids to activities, sports, and games but she loves it and wouldn’t have it any other way! 

When Jen is not working, she loves to travel with her husband and three children. They even had the opportunity to live in Germany for two years and during that time, were able to travel to 29 European countries! They also have a 17-year-old feline who doesn’t get to travel!